

Shooter in San Bernardino mass shooting has ties to Hampton Roads


Newport News, Va. - The man who opened fire inside a San Bernadino, Calif., office building Wednesday in a rampage that killed 14 has a connection to Hampton Roads. Court records show his older brother once lived in Newport News.

California police said 28-year-old Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, 27, entered a conference center during a Christmas lunch yesterday and opened fire with powerful rifles. They were later killed in a shootout with police. The brothers share the same first name and last name, but have different middle names. Newport News police records show Syed Raheel Farook was twice stopped for speeding in 2005, once in April and once in December.

Clerks were able to locate one of the original tickets in the courthouse basement on Thursday. The ticket shows his driver’s license listed an address in Riverside, Calif., but he gave police a local address, an apartment on Roseman Ct. in Newport News.

Property records show the Riverside address is the same one where the brothers, a sister and their parents once lived. It is not clear why the older brother was in Newport News, or how long he lived there. Yesterday, a few media outlets mistakenly pinned the shooting on the older brother, who has since removed his social-media profiles. But police say it was the younger brother, Syed Rizwan Farook, who was responsible.


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