

Don’t get stranded! Be prepared with a winter car kit


Norfolk, Va - It's dangerous enough to drive during winter storms, but to be stuck on the side of the road is a whole other story.

"We do many more battery calls during this time of year, especially as those temperatures drop below freezing," says Georjeanne Blumling the Vice President of Public Relations at Tidewater AAA.

If you do find yourself stuck, theres emergency supplies you can have with you to make the wait much safer. AAA recommends everyone have a winter car safety kit.

You can put one together yourself or buy a premade kit, but there's a list of things you don't want to be without when traveling in snowy conditions:


-Flares or reflective triangles

-First aid kit

-Nonperishable food and water

-Blanket or sleeping bag

-Auto emergency tools

-Sand or kitty litter


The most important thing you need when stuck on the side of the road is your cell phone. So you need to have a car charger to make sure it has power, and if your car battery dies, your car charger won't work. You can buy a portable charger and leave it in your car to be sure you can always call for help.

Also be sure to winter check your car. Check the radiator and washer fluids and make sure to check your tire tread and pressure.