

Anderson Cooper speaks at Chrysler Hall in Norfolk

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Norfolk, Va. – CNN’s Anderson Cooper paid a visit to Norfolk on Tuesday night to speak at The Norfolk Forum.

He greeted a packed house at Chrysler Hall where he spoke about his career; his relationship with his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt; his picky eating habits; and his love/hate relationship with comedian Kathy Griffin.

Cooper acknowledged Norfolk Police Officer Ryan McNiff and his wife, who received a standing ovation. K9 Officer Krijger who was killed in the line of duty was part of their family.

Cooper also acknowledged former Navy SEAL Jimmy Hatch, who runs local charity Spike’s K9 Fund.

Anderson Cooper was the first speaker in the Norfolk Forum’s 83-year history to donate their entire fee from the speaking engagement to a local charity.

The money went to Spike’s K9 Fund to provide bullet proof vests for local police dogs.

Officers lined up outside Chrysler Hall to thank Cooper personally for the generous donation.


Newport News Police Department gets new vests for K9s after donation from Anderson Cooper, organization