

Take the HRT for free this Earth Day


Norfolk, Va. – The Hampton Roads Transit is giving passengers free rides today to celebrate Earth Day.

You can ride the HRT buses, express buses, light rail and even the ferry for free all day long Friday, April 22nd.

“It’s a way for us to take a little action as you guys would put it,” says Tom Hold, Media Relations for HRT. “Earth day is generally a day that people know about but don’t do much about it.”

On an average day, the HRT sees over 45,000 people, but today they’re hoping those numbers go up.

“We want to encourage people to use transit because we think transit is a good alternative for people to save money on fuel and to pollute a little bit less by sharing rides with other people,” says Holden.

Along with free rides, HRT employees will be out cleaning transit shelters and stations.

For schedules and routes, check out their website.