

Hurricane evacuations along I-264

and last updated

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - I-264 is vital to everyday traffic, but also during the hurricane season.

According to the city's website, I-264W is the starting point to all of their hurricane evacuation routes.

If a crash happens during an evacuation, they'll likely detour traffic but sometimes that's not an option.

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Mayor Will Sessoms wants people to always plan ahead.

"They should leave way before it becomes mandatory and frankly because of what you just addressed with the traffic --- we are not gonna be able to get people out of this city," the Mayor explained. "We're gonna ask people to find shelter within our city to protect themselves."

Drivers are encourage to download VDOT's 511 app to get the latest information on crashes like the deadly accident Monday that brought the interstate to a standstill for hours.

"We made those decisions very quickly to detour people, so people wouldn't be sitting in traffic for longer than they need to," Simmons said.

Drivers say sitting in that delay does raise concerns regarding hurricanes or other major events.

Whether traffic is delayed during an evacuation or on a normal way to work, officials say they've got a well managed plan in place to get you home the safest and easiest way possible.