Cordario Marcell Uzzle was sentenced today to 151 months in prison for sex trafficking of a child.
NORFOLK Va., – A local Bloods gang member was sentenced on Friday to 151 months in prison for sex trafficking a child.
Cordario Marcell Uzzle, 23, was a member of the Bloods street gang based in Virginia Beach. Uzzle prostituted a 16-year-old foster care runaway for two weeks in the fall of 2015.
The sex trafficking ring was discovered in October 2015, when the victim was transported to the hospital after Uzzle violently attacked her.
As a result of the federal investigation, seven Bloods gang members or associates have been charged for their roles in this conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of minor.
Uzzle posted prostitution advertisements on the internet and rented rooms in which prostitution appointments were performed in both Norfolk and Virginia Beach. The girl was forced to work for several different gang members and performed commercial sex acts.
Uzzle pleaded guilty on February 19.
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