NewsPositively Hampton Roads


Virginia man’s white water rafting proposal goes wrong after ring disappears

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RICHMOND, Va. - Most marriage proposals go viral because how well they were pulled off, but one man’s proposal is catching people’s eye because of how badly it went wrong.

Richmond native Jesse Puryear recently proposed to his girlfriend while on the Ocoee River near her hometown in Tennessee.

Puryear decided to pop the question while they were white water rafting.

The proposal sounded great in theory, but it didn’t go as smoothly as Puryear would have liked it to.

Since he knew it would be a bumpy ride, he tied the engagement ring to a cord and attached the cord to his life vest.

The proposal got off to a great start - she said yes!

But after he popped the question, the raft hit a huge rapid which sent the ring flying.

After discovering the missing ring on the cord he searched the boat, which had holes in it, for the ring.

Luckily, Puryear found the ring in the bottom of the boat. He immediately gave it to a friend in the boat for safe-keeping.

Puryear caught the entire ordeal on camera and posted it on YouTube and on his Facebook page.