NewsPositively Hampton Roads


Two Civil War Trail interpretive markers to be dedicated in Newport News

and last updated

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. – Two new Civil War interpretive markers will be dedicated July 13.

This dedication is presented in memory of Dr. William “Bill” Parks, a long-time supporter of the Mariner Museum and devotee of Newport News history.

Thanks to these two new additions, there are now 30 Civil War Trail interpretive markers in Hampton Roads, with 13 in Newport News alone.

These markers commemorate the area the July 5, 1861 demise of Lieutenant Colonel  Charles D. Dreux and the July 12, 1861 Skirmish at Cedar Lane.  The Dreux marker will be located Warwick Branch of TowneBank, Newport News, and the Skirmish will be at the Lion’s Bridge.

The event is scheduled to take place at 5:30 p.m. at the Lion’s Bridge in Mariner’s Museum and Park.

In event of inclement weather, the event will be held in the museum’s Huntington Room.