

Virginia Tech Quarterback loses cousin in Baton Rouge police shooting

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BLACKSBURG, Va. – As America mourns after the police shooting that took place in Baton Rouge Sunday, Virginia Tech Quarterback Josh Jackson is mourning the loss of a family member.

The incoming freshman lost his cousin, Officer Montrell Jackson, who was one of the three officers killed.

Jackson released a series of tweets saying, “Rest in peace to my cousin Montrell Jackson who was one of the policeman that was killed. #PrayForBatonRouge.”

The freshman also tweeted, “People got to understand that violence won’t stop any of this, it will only make it worse. #PrayForBatonRouge.”

Officer Jackson was married and had a baby boy. He recently had a Facebook post go viral after he wrote about his experience being a police officer in Baton Rouge after the death of Alton Sterling.