

Grandmother dials wrong number for help, stranger shows up anyway


WALLSEND, England — 34-year-old car salesmen Dang Vuong from England is being called a hero after he rushed to the aid of an elderly woman who dialed the wrong number, the Newcastle Chronicle reports.

The elderly woman meant to call her granddaughter when she needed help after she fell while running a bath. Instead she got Vuong, who knew he had to go check on her.

“She called our landline and got through to our receptionist, who asked me what to do,” Vuong said. “At first I thought she was just across the road, it turned out she was about two miles away. I drove over there while our receptionist kept her talking on the phone.”

When Vuong showed up he saw the woman collapsed in her bathroom.

“When I arrived, she was in shock more than anything, there was blood on her face and the bath was overflowing,” Vuong said.

“I told her who I was and then scooped her up and put her on the sofa and covered her with a blanket and waited until her caretakers and family came.”

The family says they’re thankful for Vuong’s quick thinking because nobody was going to be home for a few hours.