

Suffolk Police officers create videos thanking citizens for support after Dallas, Baton Rouge shootings


SUFFOLK, Va. – Suffolk Police Officers found a creative way to thank citizens for showing their appreciation for them following the tragic shooting deaths of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

The Suffolk Police Department came up with the “Thank You” video challenge, encouraging officers to make videos thanking the public for their support.

RELATED: Community shows support to Hampton Roads officers following Dallas tragedy

The police department wants to award a prize to the team with the best and most creative video, but they are asking for the public’s help to choose the winning team.

Police have posted the top three videos to their Facebook page and the video that receives the most likes, shares, and views combined by 12 p.m. on Wednesday, August 17th will win.

Take a look at the three videos below, then head over to the Suffolk Police Department’s Facebook page to help choose a winner. The video that gets teh most likes, shares and views combined by 12 p.m. on Wednesday, August 17 will win!