

Norfolk to collect bulk waste regularly throughout September


NORFOLK, Va. – In an effort to help residents clean up after Tropical Storm Hermine, Norfolk Public Works crews will collect bulk waste on your regularly scheduled trash pickup days throughout the month of September.

“If we don’t pick it up, leave it out. We’ve got a lot to pick up and may not get to yours right away,” the city said in a release.

If you have bulk trash or yard debris, there are a few things the city requests you do to help them out:

  • Put items for pick up at the curb, not the street
  • Keep bulk waste items away from fire hydrants and power lines
  • Separate your piles –
    1. Household trash in green cans – if it doesn’t fit, bag trash in black, plastic trash bags
    2. Recycling in blue cans
    3. Storm-related debris, furniture and related materials
    4. Appliances
  • Leaves and grass clippings must be in clear plastic bags.
  • Individual branches must be less than 12 inches in diameter and no longer than eight feet in length.
  • Groups of branches must be tied and bundled and not exceed 18 inches in diameter.
  • Do not sweep your yard debris into the street.