PORTSMOUTH, Va. – New brand name clothing has been donated to families in need, just in time for back to school.
On Tuesday HOPE charitable services distributed a tractor-trailer load of more than 12,000 pieces of new, brand name clothing.
Some of the families who received the donations are struggling to buy school supplies and clothes, pay rent, or even keep the lights on in their homes.
HOPE also loaded outbound trucks on Tuesday to more than 50 partnering nonprofit organizations across the region that will then distribute the clothes in their communities.
Over the past few months volunteers from various churches across the region have worked with HOPE to sort inventory and to stage the donation.
HOPE’S Founding Director, Bishop Frank Allen said, “Working on this project, over the past few months, has been amazing. It is so encouraging to watch ordinary citizens roll up their sleeves and live out their values and their faith by sharing their resources and volunteering their services.”