NewsPositively Hampton Roads


Michigan Police K-9 rescues autistic toddler lost in woods


Cash, K-9 Deputy (Picture credit: Mason County Sheriff’s Office)

VICTORY TOWNSHIP, Mich. – A Mason County Sheriff K-9 rescued a 4-year-old autistic boy from the woods on October 6.

According to FOX 17 Cash, the K-9 deputy tracked the boy and located him about 3/4 of a mile into the woods in Victory Township, Michigan.

The boy’s family said he walked away from their home and neighbors spotted the toddler walking by their house, which helped deputies narrow the location they searched.

Mason County Sheriff’s Deputies were called to the home of the child around 4 p.m. and Cash was able to track the boy.

Once the 4-year-old was located, he only wanted to walk out of the woods with Cash, and so the K-9 escorted him to safety.