J.J. Summerell (L), running for U.S. House of Representatives in North Carolina’s 1st District
1. Why are you running for office?
Political dysfunction and budget restructuring. The widening chasm between the Republicans and Democrats and the widening chasm between federal budget receipts and outlays is correlated. Nature abhors a vacuum. These widening chasms will create a new, more middle oriented party. It is irrelevant whether the name of that party is Libertarian, Republican or Democrat. It will better represent the views and perspectives of the American voters rather that the motives of their respective parties.
2. Why should people vote for you?
My primary proposals are Tax Simplification and Budget Restructuring. These programs, which would provide a Basic Income Guarantee for all American adults and remove the federal income tax from those making under $60,000 per year, would benefit directly 81% of Congressional District 1’s households.
3. What’s your favorite thing about the area you want to represent?
The environment is the most valuable resource in the entire district. My platform is very pro-environment, especially fracking, coal ash disposal and water quality.
4. What is the biggest problem your area is facing, how will you fix it?
Poverty is the biggest problem facing District 1. I’m proposing a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG), a simple but far-reaching restructuring of our federal social welfare programs. It would transition 44 current federal programs, agencies and departments into a single program administered by the IRS and Treasury jointly. Rather than provide federal benefits, this approach would provide a federal income of approximately $16,000 per adult American per year. It would replace 44 federal programs, agencies and departments and give recipients both more personal freedom of choice and more personal responsibility. Personal responsibility and personal freedom are opposite sides of the same coin. Our social welfare programs need conform to that principle.
5. Describe Donald Trump in max 3 words?
Arrogant, lascivious sybarite
6. Describe Hillary Clinton in max 3 words?
Johnson’s primary opponent
7. What do you do for a living? Why do you do it?
I sell life and disability insurance through high volume channels to middle income American families. This is an overlooked market great need of basic life insurance.
8. You’re going to be marooned on a tropical island for a week, you can only bring 1 thing – what is it?
Nutrition. If possible, also a TV so I can watch WTKR!
9. What do you think of Colin Kaepernick?
I will adamantly support and uphold his right to free expression. However, he should also acknowledge that he makes $XXX million per year playing in a sport that is unique to the United States. I also think California should release information on whether he is registered to vote and if he votes.
10. Would you vote to fund light rail expansion in your area?
No. Congressional District 1 is the fourth poorest US House district in the country. Our taxpayers should not have to fund light rail projects for Research Triangle employees to commute to work. That would be grossly unfair.
11. Will you respect the outcome of the election?
Yes, of course I will respect the outcome. No, I do not believe the system is ‘rigged’ at the retail level, the voter level. However, I do believe the system is ‘rigged’ at the wholesale level, the level of redistricting and campaign finance. Trump supporters tout his business acumen. If his business judgment is so sharp, why did he enter into a deal, an election, he knew was rigged against him? That’s either bad judgment or post-election whining before the election! Or both!!
12. Favorite TV Show?
I watch very little traditional television. ACC basketball is probably most watched programming.