

Frances Thompson

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Frances Thompson (I) - Candidate for Virginia Beach School Board At-Large

Frances Thompson (I) – Candidate for Virginia Beach School Board At-Large

Frances Thompson, running for Virginia Beach School Board At-Large

1. Why are you running for office?

After more than 40 years of service to Virginia Beach City Public Schools as a teacher, counselor and administrative project manager, I feel certain that I have much to contribute to the teachers and staff, to the children who are students and to the families that support them by serving on the Virginia Beach School Board. My experience, expertise and passion for education will be an asset to the school board as the board develops district policies and guides the instructional leadership to lead our schools to continued standards of excellence.

2. Why should people vote for you?

Virginia Beach citizens should vote for the most qualified and most passionate persons to serve on the school board. With my years of experience in the field of education and with my deep level of passion for children and families, I am the candidate that they should choose. I am well educated, with college degrees in education, experienced in the field of education, and I am highly involved in the community through my non-profit work for youth and families.

3. What’s your favorite thing about the area you want to represent?

Serving the needs of children and families has been my passion throughout my lifetime. My career in education demonstrates that passion fulfilled.

4. What is the biggest problem your area is facing, how will you fix it?

The biggest problem facing Virginia Beach Schools at this time, in my opinion, is the state accreditation of ALL schools in Virginia Beach. Currently, five (5) of the schools in the school district are not fully accredited. Since there has consistently been a steady decrease in the number of schools without full state accreditation over the past 5 years, I would fully support the continued efforts of the district’s instructional leadership to continue the work they are doing in the schools in order to see ALL schools fully accredited by 2020.

5. Describe Donald Trump in max 3 words?

Intemperate, Uncouth, Inexperienced

6. Describe Hillary Clinton in max 3 words?

Qualified, Questionable, Passionate

7. What do you do for a living? Why do you do it?

I am currently retired from Virginia Beach City Public Schools. After more than 40 years of service, I felt that it was my time to extend my service to the school district through serving on the school board.

8. You’re going to be marooned on a tropical island for a week, you can only bring 1 thing – what is it?

Food and clean water provided, I would bring a good book to enjoy the rest and relaxation.

9. What do you think of Colin Kaepernick?

I think Mr. Kaepernick is courageous and passionate about what he believes.

10. Would you vote to fund light rail expansion in your area?


11. Will you respect the outcome of the election?


12. Favorite TV Show?

Judge Judy