

Don’t bug out – give lice the boot with Lickity Nit

and last updated

Lice can be really add some stress to your life.

More than 12 million cases of head lice are reported in the U.S. each year.

Lice Clinics of America is working to help families struggling to get rid of lice.

'Lickety Nit' in Virginia Beach and Newport News are two local clinics using the AirAlle treatment that is 99.2% effective in killing the bugs and eggs.

Home cleaning and prevention tips from Lickety Nit:

Once a case of head lice is confirmed in a family, the first step is to find an effective treatment to eradicate the lice and prevent it from spreading.

The next important step is a home cleanup. A lice infestation is on the head, not in the home, so there is no need to have your home deep cleaned. Lice can only live off the human host for up to 48 hours.

The following cleaning recommendations should be followed the day head lice are confirmed.


Items do not need to be washed; they only need to be put in dryer for 30 minutes or so, on high heat. (Make priority piles.)

  • Special stuffed animals, blankets, or other cloth items they sleep with
  • Bed linens, pillows, comforters, blankets, pillow shams
  • Backpacks, jackets, scarves
  • Any clothes, including the ones on the floor, worn or towels used in the last 48 hours

Anything that is special or cannot withstand the hot dryer cycle or be vacuumed needs to be bagged for 48 hours.


Vacuum or sticky lint roll common areas:

  • Carpets, rugs, cloth sofas and chairs (use damp cloth for leather)
  • Cloth car seats & safety seats (or lint roll)
  • Any large pillows that can't go in the dryer

Lice have claws, not sticky feet and don't get around very easily. They crawl quickly, but cannot travel long distances.


Boil items at your own risk. Do not put anything in the dishwasher, or clean with hot, soapy water - it will not kill lice! Instead, anything that can be put in the freezer should be in a baggie and kept there for 2 days.

  • Hair brushes
  • Ties, scrunches
  • Helmets, hats


Once a week check your school aged children for head lice. If you are not sure, call a medical professional for an assessment.