

Happy Spring! Time to get your yard ready

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The sun is shining and the snow has melted away, now it’s time to get your lawn ready! It’s time to plant, prune, prepare beds and care for your lawn for the first time in awhile.

If you have cold weather grass:

If you have warm weather grass:

Here's your spring lawn care checklist:

Check for signs of growth.
Did you remember to plant snow crocus last fall? If not, cut forsythia or magnolia branches to bring inside for forcing to get a dose of early spring color.

Prep the beds.
Remove winter mulch or, if well composted, work into the top layer of the soil. Work in some leaf mold or well-rotted manure, too.

Now is the time to trim fruit trees if you didn't prune in winter. Prune before buds begin to break into bloom or you'll stress the tree and get a tiny crop (or possibly none).

Divide perennials.
Before plants have begun spring growth is a good time to divide many perennials. Share some divisions with your friends this year.

Perform basic maintenance.
Check stonework for frost heaves. Check and clean the deck now so you don't have to do it later; make any repairs.

Start seeds indoors.
You've spent the winter reading seed and plant catalogs, so try some.

Plant veggies.
Hardy vegetables, such as onions, potatoes, artichokes, and some lettuces, should be planted now.