

Amazon hiring 5,000 work-from-home customer service associates

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Amazon is hiring 5,000 part-time “work from home” customer service associates.

Customer service associates will work primarily nights and weekends answering customer phone calls. The job is an hourly position and has a pay rate of $10 per hour.

“The ideal work from home Reserves associate is tech-savvy and has technical aptitude when it comes to online tools, research, and is comfortable using written references to guide them in helping customers.  Successful associates are able to learn from primarily written material, complete self-guided training, and operate in an environment where help can come from a number of resources or leaders, often accessible through chat rooms or instant messaging platforms,” the job description says.

Employees will receive paid training, which is fully self-directed. Associates are expected to work a minimum of 15 hours per week during training and complete training on shifts selected on weekday evenings, Saturdays and Sundays.

After training, employees will have the opportunity to work anywhere between one hour per pay period and 40 hours per week. According to Amazon, associates work an average of 12 hours per week.

Click here to learn more about the position.

Amazon will hire more than 30,000 part-time workers over the next year.

Amazon already has almost 40,000 part-time employees across the United States.

In January, Amazon announced plans to add more than 100,000 full-time jobs in the next year and a half, bringing its total U.S. work force to 280,000. Most of the new full-time jobs will be in warehouses and answering phones.