

What people in every state have trouble spelling

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Google Trends just released the most misspelled word for every state.

The data was compiled from searches that started “how to spell…”

Virginia’s most misspelled word was “delicious.”

Wisconsin’s most misspelled word was…”Wisconsin.”

So, while Wisconsin deals with its identity crisis, let’s take a look at some other states for their hilarious (or sometimes completely understandable) spelling problems.

The ones with no excuses

New Mexico: Banana

That is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

North Carolina: Angel

You just know people try to spell it “angle.”

Rhode Island: Liar

Are they confusing it with the instrument or…?

Idaho: Quote

How do you mess up “quote”?

Mississippi: Nanny

You’d think Mississippians would have a handle on their double letters.

Hawaii: People


South Dakota: College


The ones that are completely understandable

Iowa: Vacuum

In a thousand years, humanity will have reached the singularity, cured cancer and perfected interdimensional travel and we’ll all still be trying to spell “vacuum” with two c’s.

South Carolina, Arkansas: Chihuahua


Georgia: Gray

50 Shades of Grey. Gray’s Anatomy (the textbook). Grey’s Anatomy (the show). It’s confusing, man.

New Hampshire: Diarrhea

Prayers up for New Hampshire.

West Virginia, Connecticut: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
