WILLIAMSBURG, Va. - Eighty-eight new Americans walked across the stage Wednesday to receive their naturalization certificate and an American flag.
They've come from four different countries. Lishan Walker tells News 3 that she's from Jamaica.
"It's such an honor to be here at Williamsburg," Walker said.
The Jamaican-American mentioned that she's been living in New York since 2001.
"My parents came here to kind of set the foundation for my sister and I," she said.
She later became a student. Walker said she applied for American citizenship to stay in the U.S. for good.
"I came when I was a child pretty much and grew up here. I felt like I was immersed in the culture. I was starting to feel very American."
United States District Judge Mark S. Davis, led the Oath of Allegiance. Family and friends gathered to watch the special moment.
Walker said that becoming an American continues to provide her a land of opportunity.
"I don't know if we would've had that opportunity if we wouldn't have came here," she added.