

Local Girl Scouts team up with Norfolk Fire-Rescue for firefighting camp


NORFOLK, Va. - Local Girl Scouts teamed up with Norfolk Fire-Rescue on Wednesday for Camp Fury, a firefighting and emergency preparedness camp for girls.

The girls visited Chrysler Hall in Norfolk and cycled through different firefighting activity stations, including fire extinguisher training, confined space training, dummy drags and search and rescue drills, which involves wearing blacked-out masks and using forcible entry skills.

They also learned how to attach fire hoses to hydrants and aim the hoses.

Camp Fury serves as a way to introduce girls to firefighting as a career and gives girls a chance to meet women in fields that have typically been dominated by men. It also gives the girls the opportunity to try new things, as well as build self-confidence and teamwork skills.

In addition to Camp Fury Norfolk, Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast is also offering Camp Fury Hampton and Camp Fury Chesapeake this summer.