Photos by Cory & Jackie | Wedding Photographers
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – When it came time for an Indianapolis teacher to choose a flower girl and ring bearer, the only kids who came to mind were her students.

Photos by Cory & Jackie | Wedding Photographers
That’s why Marielle Slagel Keller of Butler Lab School invited her entire class to be in her recent wedding, according to WXIN.
Indianapolis Public Schools says 20 students walked down the aisle wearing all white and carrying garland.
“They mean the world to me,” said Keller. “The kids and their families were part of the whole wedding planning process with me and gave me so much support along the way. They are a huge part of who I am and it would not have felt right to not have them there.”
The school says students took great pride in participating in their teacher’s big day. For some, it was even their first wedding.
Keller teaches a combination of kindergarten and first grade students, so some of the students will have her as a teacher again this year.
The students go back to school Monday.
Editor’s note: All photos by Cory & Jackie | Wedding Photographers. View more photos here.