When she was diagnosed earlier this year she didn’t know it, but Barbie already had some secret weapons. Her husband Chad and their son Sammy.
Strength can come from the most unexpected places. Barbie Barnes of Hughesville finds it in her son’s smile.
“Does mommy walk around bald sometimes? Is it funny?” asked Barbie Barnes.
At 28, Barbie is battling breast cancer.
“I tell everyone that cancer is the worst and best thing that can ever happen to you,” said Barbie.
When she was diagnosed earlier this year she didn’t know it, but Barbie already had some secret weapons. Her husband Chad and their son Sammy.
“I’m the one that shaved her head the first time. So, we had Sam he was part of that,” said Chad Barnes.
Explaining a serious illness such as cancer to her three-year-old wasn’t part of Barbie’s plan.
“That’s when I found this piece of literature,” said Barbie.
The children’s book is called “Nowhere Hair”, written by a cancer survivor from California.
“It talks about the tough things like mom is on the couch after chemo and mom’s really upset because mom doesn’t have her hair anymore,” said Barbie.
Thanks to donations, Barbie raised enough money to buy nearly 100 copies of the book. She and her family handed out a few of the copies at the cancer center at UPMC Susquehanna in Williamsport. The rest will also be given to the center.
“It’s been tough being young with a little kid and being diagnosed and just having all of these other wonderful young women here is having to do it’s great,” said Kim Cochran.
“She’s beautiful she’s inspiring and she has been extremely strong through this in handling some of her worst days and she has made the best out of all of this,” said Chad Barnes.
To help Barbie and her family in their fight you can donate at: gofundme.com/PINK-OUT-FOR-BARBIE