VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – A judge found there was enough evidence to send a Virginia Beach murder case to trial.

Richard Jerome Gregory Jr charged with 2nd Degree Murder, Attempted Robbery and Use of a Firearm in the Commission of a Felony
Richard Gregory Jr. is charged with second degree murder and use of a firearm for the May 8 death of Erica Alford.
During Thursday’s preliminary hearing, the prosecution presented a witness to the alleged shooting.
A friend of the victim went before the judge detailing what she said happened that Monday afternoon.
According to the witness, she and 29-year-old Alford were riding when Alford stopped at a nearby store to pick up Gregory.
They drove to the Mayfair Apartments on Newtown Arch.
Once there, she told the judge Gregory got out the car and went inside an apartment.
When he came back outside, the witness said Gregory asked Alford “Where is it?” to which Alford replied “I don’t know."
According to her, Gregory allegedly began shooting at Alford from outside the car with Alford returning gunfire soon after.
When police arrived they found Alford dead and Gregory suffering from life-threatening injuries.
He was taken to the hospital and arrested soon after.
Gregory's defense didn't present any witnesses during the hearing but said that probable cause does exist .
We asked his attorney about the hearing, he said more about what happened that day will come out during the trial.
Gregory's trial is set for October 18th.
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