HAMPTON ROADS, Va. – Superheroes aren’t just on the big screen.
Participants in this year’s American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events can be superheroes in the fight against cancer. Everyone who registers for a local Making Strides walk and raises at least $25 online by September 9 will receive a pink superhero cape, which symbolizes the power of the individual to fight cancer.
Now in its 25th year, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer remains an important source of support for the American Cancer Society’s efforts to reduce the impact of breast cancer. The walks celebrate survivorship, pay tribute to lost loved ones and encourage collective determination to fight for a world without breast cancer.
Everyone who signs up online at MakingStridesWalk.org and raises $25 or more by September 9 will be considered a Hope Hero and will receive a pink cape to proudly wear at the event.
Click here for more information.