NewsPositively Hampton Roads


Norfolk’s Catnip Cat Cafe to offer cat yoga class


NORFOLK, Va. – The Catnip Cat Cafe is offering a purr-fect stress reliever on September 19.

The cafe is hosting an hour long “Nameowste Yoga Evening Class.”

For $20, a yoga instructor will teach a beginner-friendly yoga session. After the session, participants will get 30 minutes of quality cat time.

Classes sell out quick–click here to sign up!

If you miss out on the class this time, don’t worry! Check Catnip Cat Cafe’s website for more cat yoga events in the future.

Catnip Cat Cafe, which opened in July, is a place to grab a coffee, tea or snack and spend time with cats. The cats are from local shelters and are available for adoption.


Take a Trip to the Catnip Cat Cafe on Coast Live

Cat Cafe opens in Norfolk!