NORFOLK, Va. – Before the City of Norfolk finishes the final stages of its zoning ordnance rewrite, it is asking for the community to give advice before it makes them official.
The city said it will hold multiple community open houses before it makes the changes. Those attending the sessions can ask questions to staffers that have been working on the comprehensive changes.
The first event will be held at the Scope Exhibition Hall on Oct. 4., and the second one will at Norview High School on Oct. 11.
Throughout the three-year process, the City of Norfolk Planning Department has sought input from Norfolk’s residents and business owners.
They hope that these discussions will help create a zoning ordinance that encourages and supports development that makes Norfolk a more resilient city, physically and economically.
The city says that it hopes that these rewrites to the zoning ordnance will help protect each neighborhood’s character.
Other open houses and events in regards to zoning are also planned for later this year and next.
There will be an open house prior to the City Planning Commission Public Hearing on the new ordinance. The open house will be held in the City Hall lobby on Oct. 17 at 4 p.m., and the Planning Commission Public Hearing will be held at 6 p.m. in City Council chambers.
Norfolk City Council will also hold a Public Hearing on the zoning ordinance on Jan. 23, 2018 at 7 pm in City Council chambers.
The city also said that it will make available smaller meeting and office hours for those concerned and interested to come speak with the city Planning Department.
These dates and locations are:
- September 18 – October 17, 8:30 am – 5 pm, City Hall, 810 Union Street, Room 508
- September 25 – 29, 8:30 am – 5 pm in City Hall Lobby, 810 Union Street
- September 25 – 26, 2 – 8 pm at Norfolk Fitness & Wellness Center, 7300 Newport Avenue
- September 27 – 28, 2 – 8 pm at Pretlow Library, 111 W. Ocean View Avenue
For more information on the new zoning ordinance, visit