NewsPositively Hampton Roads


Survey says younger generations would give up smartphones for $5 million

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What would you need to get in order to give up your smartphone?

LivePerson released data on smartphone addiction that may raise some eyebrows.

Over 4,000 Gen Zers and Millennials were surveyed and asked questions about their smartphone use.

The survey said these younger consumers would rather leave their wallet at home over their smartphone and 70% of them said they sleep with their phone.

How many of these young people bring their phones in the bathroom? 65% admitted they do.

Now to what it takes to give up the phone all together. Those surveyed said they would give up their smartphones for $5!

LivePerson’s survey also found:

• Mid-night status update: 52.2% of younger consumers globally check their phone if they wake up in the middle of the night
• Text and..showering?: 29.2% bring the phone into the shower with them
• Don’t text and walk: 47.7% text while walking in a crowd (we’ve all be frustrated by this one!)
• No more phone calls: A majority (69.4%) would choose the messaging app over the phone app.
• What manners?: Younger consumers consider it acceptable to text while at a family dinner (41.6%), text in the middle of an in-person conversation (27.7%), and text during a wedding ceremony (26.3%). 24.2% even consider it acceptable to break up with someone over text.