

Dad records drivers speeding by stopped school bus

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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - David Sanders and his wife Sara have spent the past couple of weeks recording drivers speeding by stopped school buses as they let kids on and off. He's hoping by doing so and posting the videos on Facebook, he can prevent something really bad from happening down the line.

"People have blatant disregard for the safety of children and the school buses," said Sanders.

They have lived on Haygood Drive near Independence Boulevard for years. They always walk their children to and from the bus stop and recently, they've noticed a big safety problem.

"As the kids are getting on and off the bus, cars just fly right down the road. A lot of times they're just speeding. I'm really afraid something is going to happen one of these days," said Sanders.

Virginia law states motorists approaching from any direction must stop when they see flashing red lights and the stop bar on a bus stopped on any highway, private road or school driveway. However, the driver of a vehicle doesn't need to stop when approaching a school bus if the bus is stopped on the other roadway of a divided highway, on an access road, or on a driveway when the other roadway, access road, or driveway is separated from the roadway on which he is driving by a physical barrier or an unpaved area.

That's why Sanders started recording drivers going by in hopes of holding them accountable.

"Me and my wife, last couple of weeks, started video taping and put them on Facebook for everybody else can see. With the video as first hand people seeing the video somebody is going to notice who that person is and they'll do something about it then," said Sanders.

Down the line, Sanders is hoping there will be more police in the area, but until the he's hoping motorists will treat the road as if their kids live there.