

High school teacher accused of sending nude Snapchats to student for 2 years

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KENT, Wash. – A Washington state teacher is accused of sending naked photos and videos of himself to a student through Snapchat, starting when the student was 14 years old.

Timothy Brennan, 45, who taught science at Kentwood High School, was charged with two counts of communication with a minor for immoral purposes.

The Kent School District said Brennan is still on administrative leave after being placed there when the accusations were made in November.

According to charging documents, the teen had just started her freshman year when someone she didn't know contacted her on the app and began sending explicit comments, photos and videos.

The sender's face wasn't visible, but she assumed it was a classmate. However, when she asked who the person was, the sender replied that he couldn't say for fear that he would "mess up his marriage and his job," according to the documents, and the anonymous Snaps continued until she was in her sophomore year.

The girl allegedly discovered Brennan's identity after spotting him wearing a jacket she recognized from a photo in which he exposed himself. After she received another graphic message on Snapchat, she confronted him and he admitted his identity, according to the documents.

After about a month without any contact, the girl told investigators Brennan began messaging her, showing up to her work and even inviting her to have sex in his classroom office. She said her friends encouraged her to report what was happening after she suffered a panic attack at school.

Brennan remains behind bars after being jailed on $150,000 bail, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.