

Newborn baby abandoned on changing table at Arizona airport


TUCSON, Ariz. - A newborn baby boy was left at a changing table at an Arizona airport, and authorities are now looking through security footage to try and find who left the child, according to WPIX.

A Tucson International Airport employee found the infant on Sunday evening in a women’s restroom outside of the security checkpoint.

The child was found clean and wrapped. The airport’s fire and police departments aided the infant and said he appeared to be healthy. He is now at a local hospital.

In 2001, Arizona passed a Safe Haven Law that identifies locations such as hospitals and fire stations that a parent can anonymously leave a newborn and not face any criminal charges - but an airport bathroom is not one of those places.

The Tucson International Airport has a firehouse on the property. If the mother or whoever abandoned the infant left the child with a firefighter on duty, they would have been protected.

Authorities are focused on finding the child’s mother.