After a rough winter full of the cold and flu, it's important to do some spring cleaning on your home!
You want to get rid of all the dust, mold and pet danders that have been building up through the winter.
Experts recommend using cleaning products that disinfect and have fresh smells.
Two Maids and Mop recommend starting high to low.
"You want to start from the top to the bottom because anything that you knock off is going to land down. If you have a ceiling fan, hit that first."
As far as the dirtiest room in your house... it's probably no surprise that it's the bathroom.
Two Maids and a Mop say the floor is the dirtiest place. Make sure to wash the rugs, shower curtains and the floor.
Here's a checklist to go room by room and get things fresh and clean from Better Homes and Garden.
Spring Cleaning Basics -- start with this list in every room!
- Declutter and donate
- Wash light fixtures and dust lampshades
- Wash walls and baseboards
- Wash doors and knobs
- Wash switchplates
- Clean registers and vents
- Deep-clean floors, carpets, curtains, and blinds
- Wash windows and screens
- Touch up paint
- Check smoke detectors
- Clean out and organize cupboards and drawers
- Clean out and organize pantry
- Deep-clean cabinet fronts
- Deep-clean refrigerator and freezer (including fridge coils)
- Deep-clean oven, stove, and microwave
- Clean dishwasher and other appliances
- Reseal grout (if necessary)
- Oil wooden items
- Sharpen knives
Living Room
- Deep-clean upholstered furniture
- Wash pillows and throws
- Clean out and organize media storage
- Detail remotes and phones
- Clean shower heads
- Clean shower curtain or replace (as necessary)
- Reseal grout (as necessary)
- Clean out and organize medicine cabinet
- Clean out and organize linen closet
Laundry Room
- Clean cubbies/shelves
- Clean washing machine
- Wash threshold
- Clean and organize coat closet
- Clean or replace mats and rugs (as necessary)
- Organize closet and dresser
- Clean mattress and pillows
- Clean shams, blankets, and skirts
- Rotate seasonal bed linens
- Make clothes shopping list
- Organize and streamline storage area items (as necessary)
- Declutter and organize
- Sweep and clean floor