CHESAPEAKE, Va. – Four local dogs have been nominated for the “American Humane Hero Dog Awards.”
The awards are an annual, nationwide competition to recognize “extraordinary dogs who do extraordinary things.”
The dogs compete in seven different categories: Law Enforcement/Arson Dogs, Service Dogs, Therapy Dogs, Military Dogs, Search and Rescue Dogs, Guide/Hearing Dogs, and Emerging Hero Dogs (the category for “ordinary” dogs who do extraordinary things).
In the 2018 competition, there are two dogs from Chesapeake, one from Virginia Beach, and one from Middlesex County.
Duke, from Chesapeake, is in the Service Dogs category, and is sponsored by Modern Dogs Magazine.
His profile reads:
“Hello my name is Duke I am 14 years old , I have been a service dog ever since I was born, I was trained to help my owner who served his country, My owner was in the Army for 20 years and he been in 7 different combat zone during his time of service. I 2002 He got injured and now suffer from a major TBI in which cause him to have Grand-Mal Seizure, along with PTSD. I was trained to let him know ahead of time when he is about to a seizure, so he can take his medication, or to let him know to lay down because his medication is not working and he is going into a Grand-Mal Seizure. I was also trained to comfort him due to his PTSD. In the past 14 year we have dome public speaking to educate people about service dogs and how they help the owner. I have 3 books written about me, and a documentary movie about my life and how I have help many veterans and other people who suffer from a disability. I have been up for this award for the past 2 years and now I hope this year I will win this award, So I can finally retired , So please vote for me.”
Piper, from Chesapeake, is in the Therapy Dogs category, and is sponsored by Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet Food.
Her profile reads:
“Piper is love, fun, family, smart, friend & Therapy Dog. Piper’s momma was found on the side of a small town road skinny & pregnant and not wanting to leave the mate that was hit by a car & was deceased on that road side. Momma was saved by a Good Samaritan and taken to a local vet where she was looked over and cleaned up from living on the streets for a while. One of the vet tech’s took momma to her house to wait on some babies to be born. 10 days later babies were born. Piper stayed with her momma until she was 8 weeks old. I adopted her when she was about 12 weeks old. I don’t know what it was but deep down I knew Piper would be a great Ambassador and Therapy Dog. So many times I hear that Pit Bull type of dogs are born mean, vicious, dangerous, while Piper is showing that they are not the dangerous dogs that everyone seems to think that they are. She’s a Canine Good Citizen, an Urban Canine Good Citizen and a Registered Therapy Dog where she goes out in her community to show how great dogs like her are. She visits hospitals, nursing homes showing love and compassion to everyone she sees and meets.”
Max, from Virginia Beach, is in the Emerging Hero Dogs category, and is sponsored by Pets for Patriots.
His profile reads:
“I got Max from a shelter, his family wasn’t able to take care of him anymore and surrender him. He was happy to play but he was very mindful of his surroundings. I brought him home and since day one, he has been my best friend. It was like Id had him his whole life. He loves to cuddle on the couch, play, he even learned fetch really quickly.
Max keeps my calm on my worst days. He constantly checks the windows, knows the sounds the alarm makes when someone is by the door and, even if he is asleep, will jump to the window to check out who it is. Then he looks at me and lays down if its just someone walking by or he walks to the door if its someone coming to the door.
He is my protector but hes also such a lover! He really just wants to hug people and love people and he has the best smile ever.
He’s protective of my kids, my daughter especially. He will lay next to her all day and she can do whatever she wants to him. Put her feet on him, give him kisses (which he returns so gently), lay on him like he’s a pillow. In the month weve had him he’s truly become one of the family, which is mind blowing for a shelter dog.
But you can look in his eyes and see the love he has for this family. Whether hes walking beside me because he wants love or because I’m not feeling well, he’s truly helped make my family whole.”
Patton, from Middlesex County, is in the Emerging Hero Dogs category, and is sponsored by Freeway’s Greyt Escape.
His profile reads:
“Patton is my hero for overcoming death. He ate tainted leftover deer carcass causing massive hemorages. We stayed at his side pumping syringe full of baby food day and night for weeks smelling death at each breath. His live of life zest for his fun with his humans won. This pictures patton at his best as a front seat driver ..Its mans best friend”