

Body camera footage shows process server who overdosed in car with subpoenas on seat


BROOKLYN, Ohio - Body camera footage shows a life-saving rescue after a process server from an Ohio sheriff’s department apparently overdosed in his car.

A report shows that the man with the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department had a badge, and the video shows he had a large pile of court documents in the car.

Last Friday morning, Brooklyn Police were called about a man slumped over in his car outside a restaurant.

Officers and an ambulance crew worked to revive the man, and had to administer multiple doses of what they normally use to revive someone after an OD from heroin or another opiate. In the ambulance, the video shows the man turning combative as he is revived.

A rescuer can be heard saying, “You overdosed. Stop being a jerk. Relax. Stop fighting. You overdosed in your car. We had to come save your a—."

Meantime, an officer searching the man’s car says to another officer, “We should probably get ahold of the subpoena people. There are a whole lot of subpoenas not gonna be delivered."

A witness told police, “He pulled up. The car was running. He just slumped over.”

WJW has confirmed the man works for the civil division of the Sheriff’s Department. A spokesperson said he has worked there nearly 15 years.

When the rescue crew asked the man what he’d been doing, he responded, “Snorted it.”

They asked, “Cocaine or heroin?” He responded, “No heroin.” One of the crew then answers, “No heroin, huh? Cocaine makes your heart stop?”

Brooklyn Police are looking into filing criminal charges, in part, for assault in the ambulance as the man turned combative. WJW is not identifying the man since charges have not yet been filed.

The county says the sheriff’s department employee has now been placed on paid leave “pending an evaluation.”