

Colbert, Fallon and Conan team up to tease Trump

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Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon and Conan O’Brien teamed up on Tuesday night to take some shots at President Donald Trump.

The late night hosts came together in a sketch that opened both CBS’ “The Late Show” and NBC’s “The Tonight Show.” The short two-minute skit had the late night stars talking to each other via video-conferencing.

“Hey, low-life,” Fallon said to Colbert starting the call.

“Hey, lost soul,” Colbert responded.

The sketch aimed at Trump comes a day after the president made remarks about Fallon, Colbert and ABC’s late night host Jimmy Kimmel at a rally in South Carolina. It also follows Trump calling out Fallon on Twitter, telling the NBC host to “be a man.”

“Did you see Trump’s rally last night?” Fallon asked Colbert. “I heard he said some pretty bad stuff about us … I heard he said we were all no talent, low-life, lost souls.”

Colbert then said that couldn’t be right because that description sounded more like TBS late night host Conan O’Brien. Colbert then called O’Brien.

The TBS host, who was in the middle of shaving, acted surprised that Trump is even president.

“The real estate guy who sells steaks? He’s president?” O’Brien asked. “How’s he doing?”

“Not so good,” Colbert replied.

O’Brien then told Fallon and Colbert to give Trump more time and to remember to “please, be civil” because if they aren’t careful “this thing could start to get ugly.”

Before ending the call, Fallon and Colbert made plans to get lunch at Red Hen, the small Virginia restaurant that caused a furor recently by asking White House press secretary Sarah Sanders to leave.

During his monologue, Colbert pointed out that Trump said at Monday’s rally that “the guy on CBS is — what a low-life, what a low-life.” He then looked at the camera and said that he wouldn’t let the president talk that way about James Corden, the host of CBS’ “The Late Late Show.”

“Oh, he was talking about me,” Colbert added.