

Newport News Police find child porn after man assaults wife

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William French. (NNPD)

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. – A Newport News man who assaulted his wife in December was revealed to be in possession of child pornography and turned himself in to police Wednesday.

On December 21st, 2017, at approximately 3:20 PM, Newport News Police were dispatched to the 100 block of Mellon Street in reference to an unspecified problem. Upon arrival, officers observed the door partially open and heard a man yelling at a woman inside the residence.

Officers located a man, later identified as 36-year-old William French of the same address, assaulting his wife.

Further investigation into French revealed that he was in possession of child pornography, and he turned himself in at Newport News Police Headquarters on July 11.

French was arrested for knowingly possessing child pornography.