

Video shows beatdown at McDonald’s after customer throws milkshake at employee


A brutal video spreading online shows an argument at a McDonald’s restaurant turn into a beating of a customer.

Marie Dayag, who posted the video, lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, but it’s not known exactly where the incident happened.

Dayag wrote: ‘So this happened at McDonald’s… the lady asked for a water cup and supervisor shut down the soda machine because she wasn’t letting her get a free soda.’

In the video, you see a woman throw what appears to be a milkshake at an employee, followed by a tray.

The employee then attacks her and starts throwing punches. Another employee joins in.

She then picks the woman up and throws her over a nearby table as other employees and a customer try to break up the fight. After a pause fighting breaks out again and the employee throws the woman over another table before the footage ends.