

Two sex offenders escape Colorado detention center days after riot


GOLDEN, Colo. – Two sex offenders with gang affiliations escaped from a Colorado detention facility – which was the site of a riot last week – on Monday morning, the Golden Police Department said.

Javier Madera, 19, and Emilio Dominguez, 17, left a trail of sheets after breaking out of Lookout Mountain Youth Services Center in Golden, Colorado.

Police say Dominguez has a history of violence and has also been charged with witness victim intimidation. His parents live in Denver.

The escape occurred at the Cedar Unit, which had three staff on duty. That number of officers meets staffing rations, according to KDVR.

Police said a guard last saw the two, who are roommates at the facility, between midnight and 1 a.m. The guard let one of them use a restroom.

A Golden police officer did a routine perimeter check about 2:20 a.m. and did not report seeing anything unusual.

During another routine check three hours later, the officer saw a dumpster turned on its side and sheets hanging out of a window on the second floor. A window was also broken out.

Golden police confirmed that while the facility has video monitoring, the area from which the teens escaped did not have video coverage.

GPD said that they believe someone drove the teens away from the area after their escape.

In March 2018, Madera was charged with attempting to escape from Lookout Mountain with another inmate. In November 2018, he was convicted, but a judge ruled his 90-day sentence could be served concurrently with his existing sentence.

During the March 2018 attempted escape, bed sheets were also used. The other inmate successfully escaped but was later caught.

Anyone who sees Madera or Dominguez or has information is asked to not approach them and instead call 911.

On Wednesday night, a riot broke out at the facility. Police said eight juveniles were involved in the riot, four of whom suffered minor injuries. Police believe two juveniles instigated the riot.

Officials said 19 staff members were involved with 10 of them being injured. Six suffered minor injuries and four were taken to a hospital, but the injuries were not serious.

Related: Four of five inmates who escaped from North Carolina jail have been captured, sheriff's office says

On Thursday, an official said three staff members were placed on paid administrative leave after being accused of bringing illicit drugs into the facility.

According to the Colorado Department of Human Services, there are two categories of "escapes."

There are escapes from the secure perimeter of the Lookout Mountain Facility, and what is categorized as an escape from a community level pass or transition activity.

The latter occurs when a youth is outside the perimeter of the fence participating in activities such as a transitional home pass, a temporary release due to starting a job or classes in higher education, or even participating with staff supervision in community service projects such as volunteering with a non-profit.