

Investigators say Air Force employee downloaded manual on how to seduce, groom children for sex

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*WARNING: Some may find details in this story disturbing.

ISLE OF WIGHT Co., Va. - Gregory Wacks was denied bond Thursday after a judge heard new evidence in his case. Wacks is charged with multiple counts of having and distributing child porn, but prosecutors argued he is a threat to the children in this community.

Gregory Wacks

Investigators who forensically searched Wacks’ phone testified they not only found thousands of images of child porn involving very young children, but they also found a 170+ page PDF filed labeled “How to Practice Child Love.” The Commonwealth’s Attorney described the book to the court as a manual for seducing and grooming children into sexual acts, starting at a very young age.

The document was pulled from a known child porn trade site and had been downloaded to Wacks' phone, according to investigators.

Wacks, an Air Force veteran currently employed as a civilian by the Air Force, was charged in April with one count of distributing child porn; one count of possession of child porn first offense and 18 counts of possession of child porn, later offenses.

Investigators who forensically searched Wacks' phone said the investigation is not over and they are still combing through the evidence they had from their initial phone "dump."

After a search warrant was executed and Wacks' home was searched, investigators seized the cell phone, computer and tablet, but also mentioned finding a hidden camera in Wacks' home that he shares with his wife and young daughter. Investigators did not go into whether or not they have searched that device and have not mentioned for what purpose it was used.