

Police searching for suspect allegedly involved in a series of Williamsburg business burglaries

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WILLIAMSBURG, Va. - Police are searching for a suspect they believe is involved in a series of business burglaries.

A series of burglaries took place early Sunday morning in the 1600 Block of Richmond Road.

We're told the suspect broke into four establishments, including Aberdeen Barn.

“It’s a hardship that none of us really needed at this time," owner Dennis White told News 3 reporter Brian Hill.

White said the burglar made his way in by breaking the lock on his back door.

He then rummaged through his office.

“This piece of trim was completely ripped off; all the door frame here was busted and shattered. You can see where he did his prying through here," he said.

White said they were lucky because the suspect was not able to find their safe, but he did leave behind a hefty repair bill.

Related: Man arrested after string of local Chinese restaurant burglaries

"The impact is that is $3,000 coming out of the winter that we no longer have to pay old bills, to do improvements to our building, to buy products for our building. It's a $3,000 expense that I didn’t need, and I'm sure my neighbors didn’t need," he explained.

He pointed out that the suspect targeted mainly independent, family-owned restaurants.

The owner of Southern Pancake and Waffle House next door to White said the thief got away with about $500 and came in through his front door.

White believe it could have been an inside job.

“I have no idea who he could probably had some inside surveillance because the gentlemen knew what doors to go through, how to dodge security systems, knew,  for the most part, where the money was kept," White told us after getting a look at the surveillance.

The suspect appears to be a white male, standing around 5'8" - 5'10" with a slim build.

If you have any information regarding the identity of this person, please contact Investigator Mahoney at (757)-220-2331 or 1-888-LOCK-U-UP (1-888-562-5887).