

Report: Virginia ranked number 11 for most nursing home complaints in U.S.


HAMPTON ROADS, Va. – A report from ranks Virginia in the top 15 out of states for most nursing home complaints.

The report provided by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) ranked the State of Washington, the District of Columbia and Maryland as the top three states with the most complaints. It ranked Rhode Island, Alabama and New Hampshire as the three states with the least amount of complaints.

Virginia was ranked number 11 out of 51. North Carolina ranked number 33 out of 51.

The report says that CMS used 12 divisions in its assessment matrix, which categorizes complaints by how serious they are as well as how common they are with that facility. Of the 12 divisions, six of them are indicative of substandard care.

The report also broke down a variety of other factors, including the percentage of nursing facilities rated 5-star by state. Virginia ranked 27th in this statistic. For the number of 1-star facilities, the Commonwealth ranked 30th.

For more on the study, click here.