MERRIAM, Kan. - A Kansas man determined to get a shelter dog a new home decided to decorate her room and move in with her.
Queen is a 3-year-old terrier mix currently available for adoption at Great Plains SPCA in Merriam, Kansas. Although Queen is in good hands with shelter staff, she has been getting a bit lonely not having a home of her own.

Scott Poor decorates Queen's room. Photo courtesy Scott Poore.
That's where Scott Poore came in.
Poore has dedicated his life to helping homeless animals through his company, Mission Driven Goods. When he heard about Queen, he decided to do something.
"She is the most affectionate, lovable dog I've probably ever worked with. She has tons of energy," Poore said. "She's gentle and loving. The past couple months she's started losing hope, and that's what motivated me to do this. I'm not going to let her lose hope."
When he saw a change in Queen's behavior after living in the shelter for more than 400 days, he decided to decorate her kennel in hopes of drawing the attention of a potential adopter.
He also decided to move in with Queen to keep her company. While he's living there Poore says it's only fair he pay rent.
He's asking for donations for the time he's keeping the dog company, and the shelter will match each dollar through the month of September.
You can learn how to adopt Queenhere.