

Here are resources the military has to prevent suicide


NORFOLK, Va. – Hampton Roads is home to thousands of active-duty service members whose jobs can be incredibly demanding, leading to stress and feelings of being overwhelmed.

The Navy Suicide Prevention Program involves both suicide prevention and operational stress control to help Sailors cope with the demands of their jobs and life.

The goal of the program is to “minimize suicide risk by enhancing Sailor psychological health and resilience to fortify a mission-effective force through unrelenting individual & team.”

If you or someone you love is struggling, military or civilian, there is free and confidential help available 24/7 through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). 

News 3 has compiled some of the other resources the Navy has made available to help those who may be struggling:

  • Navy Suicide Prevention Handbook – a guide “designed to serve as a ready reference for policy requirements, program guidance and educational tools to strengthen local suicide prevention efforts.”
  • Navy NavStress Blog – official blog of the Navy Operational Stress Control Program.
  • “Every Sailor, Every Day” – official suicide prevention video.
  • 1 Small ACT Toolkit – the Ask, Care, Treat (ACT) campaign encourages Sailors to care for one another to preserve psychological health and emotional wellness.

There are also suicide prevention offices for the other military branches and the Department of Defense as a whole:

Marine Corps


Air Force

Coast Guard

Veteran Affairs

Department of Defense