NewsPositively Hampton Roads


3 teams from Isle of Wight County Schools return from national competitions as champions

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Hungry Chickens.jpg
Team Jams.jpg

ISLE OF WIGHT, Va. — Three teams, two from Smithfield High School and the other from Smithfield Middle School, competed in the 2023 National KidWind Competition in Boulder, Colorado and all returned home as champions.

Team AirBenders and Team Goon Squad, both from Smithfield High, tied for first place in the state tournament, becoming the first school to have two teams win, according to Isle of Wight schools.

The trophy they received is a real wind turbine painted gold and signed by former champions.

Team Hungry Chickens, also from Smithfield High, went to the KidWind National Solar Challenge and between regional competition and nationals, the team revised and improved upon their solar chicken feeding device, said Isle of Wight schools.

After their success at nationals, the team is now testing their feeder on different animals and exploring the patenting process.

The other champion team, Team Jams from Smithfield Middle, brought home a national championship in their inaugural year.

Isle of Wight schools say the KidWind and KidWind Solar Challenge take a hands-on approach to teaching students about renewable energy by supplying teachers with "do-it-yourself" solar and wind generator kits.