

Young girl releasing picture book after gratitude for postal workers goes viral


A little girl with a passion for writing letters is now becoming a published author.

Emerson Weber went viral earlier this year when her dad tweeted her story.

Emerson had about a dozen pen-pals at the time. She writes them letters filled with jokes and stories, and she always decorates the envelopes.

“It's like a little piece of art that someone's going to find in their mailbox, and I get my inspiration from everywhere,” said Weber, author of “Sincerely, Emerson.”

Weber wanted to thank her mail carrier for always taking all her letters, so she wrote him too. Her mail carrier then shared that letter with his supervisor at work, who shared it regionally, and the responses poured in. Two boxes full of letters from postal workers arrived.

Some sent back stamps or asked her to send a letter to more people in their family.

Many postal workers said they felt seen for the first time in a long time, and she wrote back to all of them.

“In this time that's a little crazy, they're still out there doing their job, so we can stay connected to our pen pals and people we love,” said Weber.

After her story spread online, even more people from all over started writing Weber.

She hopes when people read her book, they realize how one act of kindness can spread.

“And I also hope they take the time to write a letter because people really appreciate that,” she said. “Your grandparents, your friends, anyone would really love to get a letter from you and it's just so meaningful.”

Her picture book based on the viral story, “Sincerely Emerson,” comes out next week.