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Six arrests made, officer sent to hospital after Confederate monument protest in Richmond

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RICHMOND, Va. – Six arrests were made overnight in Richmond at and near the grounds of the Robert E. Lee Monument.

Virginia State Police said the Lee Monument Grounds on Monument Avenue close to the public every night at sunset and reopen to the public at sunrise.

Around 10:15 p.m., Richmond Police said an Unlawful Assembly was declared at the Lee Monument after paintballs were fired at officers.

Police said people needed to leave the area immediately and failure to disperse would result in arrest.

Shortly after Lee Monument grounds emptied out, Virginia State Police body cams captured fireworks being launched by protesters from Monument Avenue at police.

At least one of the protester's pyrotechnics spun out of control and struck an individual in the median, according to VSP.

Richmond Police said a reminder that the grounds closed was sent out on social media at 7:30 p.m., and around 75-100 people remained around 9:45 p.m.

After paintballs were fired, police said hard objects were also being thrown at them.

Six people were arrested, five adults and one juvenile, according to police.

Overall, four officers were hit with paintballs, one was taken to a hospital after being hit with a hard object in the back of the helmet and one officer was hit in the back of the neck with a hard object.

Police said no tear gas was used but Richmond Police used pepper spray once due to “ongoing assaults.”

Related: Judge indefinitely extends injunction preventing removal of Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond