

Former Gov. Terry McAuliffe announces run for governor in 2021

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Former Governor Terry McAuliffe announced Wednesday that he will seek another term as governor of the Commonwealth.

His statement released on Wednesday said:

"If you know me, you know I’m an eternal optimist. But even I can’t sugarcoat it: 2020 was a tough year.

To defeat COVID-19 and build an economy that truly works for all Virginians, we can’t just go back to business as usual. We need to think big, be bold, and approach our challenges as never before if we’re going to move the Commonwealth forward.

I’m running to be that bold leader. That’s why I’m making my announcement at an elementary school today -- I am committed to making a historic investment in Virginia’s students, schools, and educators so we can finally ensure an equitable, world-class education for every Virginia child. I want to create good 21st Century jobs and build a future that lifts up all Virginians in every corner of the Commonwealth.

Our future can’t wait.

This pandemic has given us big challenges, but it’s also given us a big opportunity. It’s up to us to make it count - and I know we can do it together, just like we have before.

Because you fought by my side, we defeated radical, right-wing forces who wanted to take Virginia backward. We defended women’s rights and access to healthcare, created 200,000 good-paying jobs, and restored voting rights to hundreds of thousands of Virginians.

Mine was the most progressive administration in the history of the Commonwealth and it’s because of grassroots supporters like you.

With so much on the line, it’s more important than ever for us to stop these forces again. With you by my side, I know we can do it."

McAulliffe will then face off against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax (D-Virginia) and Democratic state Del. Jennifer Carroll Foy.