

Groups rally ahead of Virginia Beach School Board's discussion on weapons on school property

Virginia Beach School Board gun policy rally (November 23).PNG

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Tuesday night, the Virginia Beach School Board discussed a policy related to weapons on school property or at school sponsored events.

The committee recommends declaring all school board-owned or leased buildings or properties gun-free school zones.

Ahead of the meeting, groups rallied outside to make their feelings known.

News 3 spoke to people on both sides of the issue outside Tuesday's meeting.

"We're not talking schools here - we are talking buildings where there are offices and adults are working,” said Philip Van Cleave, president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League.

Parent Melissa Lukeson, who stands on the other side, added, "Moms and parents that are angry, I wouldn't be comfortable with them having a gun. There are police officers here; it is unnecessary."

No vote took place Tuesday. The board could take the issue to a vote at their next meeting.

News 3 will monitor any developments and bring you the latest.