HAMPTON, Va. - Hampton Police are calling on the public to help identify the suspect in connection with a business robbery that occurred on December 2.
Around 10:15 p.m., officials were notified that a robbery had just happened at the 7-Eleven convenience store located in the 1400 block of Queen Street. Further investigation revealed the suspect demanded money upon entry of the business, and collected an undisclosed amount, according to police. The suspect, described as a black male 5' 10", 160 pounds, ran from the scene.
Police say photos of the suspect are not available at this time.
If you or anyone you know has information that will assist police, they are encouraged to contact the Hampton Police Division at 757–727–6111 or the Crime Line at 1–888-LOCK-U-UP. Tipsters can also send an anonymous tip by visiting our secure tip form at P3Tips.com. Crime Line callers remain anonymous and never appear in court. If a Crime Line tip results in an arrest, the caller may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1000.00.